Beer Pong Team Profile

Unwanted Pleasure Date Created: 11.1.11


  • Win Percentage 60%
  • #Events 2
  • #Games 10
  • Wins 6
  • Losses 4
  • Avg. CD +1.8


Game # Bracket Teams CD OT
28344 Winners Bracket Unwanted Pleasure Ball Gods +4 0
28360 Winners Bracket Unwanted Pleasure Bob and John +5 0
28379 Winners Bracket They Google Me Unwanted Pleasure +4 0
28384 Losers Bracket Unwanted Pleasure Tall and Small +7 0
28387 Losers Bracket Luck Buckets Unwanted Pleasure +3 0
52595 Bracket A Scared of Satellies Half Perfect +4 0
52596 Bracket A Scared of Satellies Enjoy My Balls in your Cups +3 0
52627 Bracket A End of an Era Scared of Satellies +1 0
52637 Bracket A Scared of Satellies This Is Gunna Be a Shit Show +6 0
52643 Bracket A Droppin Shits Scared of Satellies +3 0
Team Counter
Scared of Satellies 1
Unwanted Pleasure 1