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Budweiser Unveils “Buddy Cup,” Stalkers Rejoice

Technology has changed the way we play beer pong. From new equipment to high-stakes games via Skype, beer pong is alive and well in the virtual world.

Budweiser is now taking beer drinking a step further.

The self-proclaimed King of Beers recently announced “The Buddy Cup,” a state-of-the-art drinking glass which can connect fellow drinkers to each other on Facebook, with a simple clink of a glass.

Feel like creeping on that cute girl at the beer pong tournament? Clink her glass. You want to remind that guy you just met he owes you $20 for a cash game? Clink his glass. Forget your iPhone to add someone on Facebook? Clink their glass. The Buddy Cup will revolutionize the way we interact, and stalk, our fellow beer pong players. The possibilities are endless.

The cups are currently being unveiled in Brazil, and there is no word on if and when these new Buddy Cups will appear in the U.S. I, for one, will be patiently waiting.

Guys, what do you think about this? Girls, how about you?

Check out the article here or watch the video below.

1 thought on “Budweiser Unveils “Buddy Cup,” Stalkers Rejoice

  1. I think it is a very interesting and innovative idea. Would be fun for meeting people at parties, but potential ‘stalking’ and creepers clinking my buddy cup is odd. There should be a cup setting requiring a user to ‘accept’ the cup clinking lol

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