Beer Pong Team Profile

john carlsons tight end Date Created: 8.24.11


  • Win Percentage 50%
  • #Events 1
  • #Games 4
  • Wins 2
  • Losses 2
  • Avg. CD 0
Date Team Event Name W/L Rank
Aug 24, 2011 john carlsons tight end B B Magraws wednesday night tournament 2/2 3
Game # Bracket Teams CD OT
17177 Winners Bracket john carlsons tight end unicorns and lambos +1 0
17185 Winners Bracket john carlsons tight end planet of the apes +1 0
17190 Winners Bracket ramrod john carlsons tight end +2 1
17191 Losers Bracket Two Knucles Deep john carlsons tight end +2 1
Team Counter
john carlsons tight end 1