Beer Pong Team Profile

Dirty Free For All Date Created: 12.19.10


  • Win Percentage 41.67%
  • #Events 1
  • #Games 12
  • Wins 5
  • Losses 7
  • Avg. CD -0.17
Date Team Event Name W/L Rank
Jan 01, 2011 Dirty Free For All The World Series of Beer Pong VI 5/7 289
Game # Bracket Teams CD OT
3 Pool Play Dirty Free For All R.C.K +3 0
308 Pool Play Night Night Sleep Tight Dirty Free For All +3 0
573 Pool Play Morrigan's Dirty Free For All +1 1
833 Pool Play BROMANCE Dirty Free For All +2 0
1093 Pool Play Dirty Free For All Strictly Business +4 0
1309 Pool Play Gypsy Tricks Dirty Free For All +3 0
1540 Pool Play The Two Dirty Free For All +4 0
1828 Pool Play team posada Dirty Free For All +2 0
2074 Pool Play Dirty Free For All The Nest +2 0
2366 Pool Play Dirty Free For All Beers Andrews +4 0
Team Counter
Dirty Free For All 1