Beer Pong Team Profile

4th Time is the Charm Date Created: 8.26.12


  • Win Percentage 60%
  • #Events 1
  • #Games 5
  • Wins 3
  • Losses 2
  • Avg. CD 0


Date Team Event Name W/L Rank
Aug 25, 2012 4th Time is the Charm stlpong satty #2 3/2 4
Game # Bracket Teams CD OT
53748 Winners Bracket 4th Time is the Charm dope mojo +1 0
53765 Winners Bracket 4th Time is the Charm Fuck I Don't know +1 0
53774 Winners Bracket Bloooood!!!! 4th Time is the Charm +1 0
53777 Losers Bracket 4th Time is the Charm 16 inches of the thang thang....bang bang +1 1
53778 Losers Bracket Shark Dicks 4th Time is the Charm +2 0
Team Counter
4th Time is the Charm 1