Beer Pong Team Profile

strong beef Date Created: 12.3.07


  • Win Percentage 64%
  • #Events 2
  • #Games 25
  • Wins 16
  • Losses 9
  • Avg. CD +0.64


There are better things in life than alcohol, but alcohol makes up for not having them.

Date Team Event Name W/L Rank
Jan 01, 2008 strong beef The World Series of Beer Pong III 8/5 87
Jan 01, 2009 strong beef The World Series of Beer Pong IV 8/4 130
Game # Bracket Teams CD OT
6562 Pool Play Space Dockers strong beef +1 0
6783 Pool Play strong beef UNLEASHED +1 0
6956 Pool Play strong beef Samsonite +1 0
7175 Pool Play strong beef team awesome +5 0
7398 Pool Play strong beef The Wicked End +1 0
7619 Pool Play Shawn^2 strong beef +3 0
7818 Pool Play strong beef Boats 'n Hoes +1 0
7993 Pool Play 6th Boro strong beef +6 0
8237 Pool Play strong beef Get Stretchered +1 0
8465 Pool Play strong beef Se7en Oh Too +1 0
Team Counter
strong beef 2