Beer Pong Team Profile

cock and balls Date Created: 6.6.12


  • Win Percentage 66.67%
  • #Events 1
  • #Games 6
  • Wins 4
  • Losses 2
  • Avg. CD +1.5


Date Team Event Name W/L Rank
Jun 05, 2012 cock and balls stlpong 652012 4/2 3
Game # Bracket Teams CD OT
48730 Winners Bracket cock and balls umm really +5 0
48739 Winners Bracket cock and balls natty light champagne +2 0
48758 Winners Bracket cock and balls fuck u im famous 2 +5 0
48768 Winners Bracket cock and balls seek n destroy +1 0
48773 Winners Bracket matt and tracy cock and balls +3 0
48774 Losers Bracket bad ofr business cock and balls +1 1
Team Counter
cock and balls 1