Beer Pong Team Profile

Breena Smith Date Created: 2.13.12


  • Win Percentage 45.45%
  • #Events 3
  • #Games 11
  • Wins 5
  • Losses 6
  • Avg. CD -1.64
Date Team Event Name W/L Rank
Apr 21, 2012 Breena Rack Daddy's Singles Satty tournament 1/2 9
Jun 23, 2012 Breena Smith Rockin Out Singles 1/2 15
Oct 26, 2012 Breena Smith Queen of the South 3/2 4
Game # Bracket Teams CD OT
47007 Winners Bracket Michael Kesler Breena +4 0
47011 Losers Bracket Breena stephanie collatt +1 0
47019 Losers Bracket AHill208 Breena +6 0
49978 Winners Bracket Breena Smith Trung Ho +2 0
49990 Winners Bracket Davis Khamvirath Breena Smith +7 0
49995 Losers Bracket Kiki75315 Breena Smith +4 0
56485 Pool Play Breena Smith Deborah Hastings +1 0
56487 Pool Play Breena Smith stephanie collatt +1 0
56491 Pool Play Hannah Love Breena Smith +2 0
56495 Pool Play Breena Smith Macy Moseley +1 0
Team Counter
Breena 1
Breena Smith 2