1 Rank Team Name
2 1 Jurassic Pong
3 2 Blitzkrieg -Kessler & Marx
4 3 drinkin smokin straight west coastin
5 3 Deep Fried Peanuts
6 5 White Girl Wasted
7 5 Nothing but Bogeys
8 7 Dragon Riders
9 7 ebonIE & ivorIEE
10 9 Chalmers For President
11 9 WetBack Wasted
12 9 Looks Good on Paper
13 9 Moist Triscuits
14 13 This Aint SeaWorld
15 13 Flawless Victory
16 13 Blood Brothers
17 13 Silence The Crowd
18 17 Don\’t Crap Out
19 17 hank&dank
20 17 The Greatest Show On Earth
21 17 Kick Rocks: Deadly Alliance
22 17 They Google Me
23 17 Impossible is Nothing
24 17 Firing Blanks
25 17 No Rest For the Wicked
26 17 Y’all won
27 17 A & W
28 17 Just Wowin
29 17 Fat Wizards
30 17 East And West Unite
31 17 DooDoo Puss
32 17 Ridin D\’s and strokin 3\’s
33 17 Race to the Hospital
34 33 Everlasting Gobstoppers
35 33 Kick Rocks Backup Team
36 33 Ship the Sugar
37 33 No Tickie No Laundry
38 33 Please Hold the Flash Photography
39 33 clinically proven
40 33 Keep One Rolled
41 33 Fucking Cry about it
42 33 Locked and Loaded
43 33 VA ALL DAY
44 33 Chick and Willie
45 33 Boom Goes The Dynamite
46 33 Unfappingbelievable
47 33 Brick and Dick The Matt ONeill Fan Club
48 33 Stretch Armstrong
49 33 Salt and Pepper
50 49 rva hop scotch mafia
51 49 Chernobyl Diaries of a Mad Black Woman
52 49 fireball made us do it
53 49 Justin & WR
54 49 Now or Never
55 49 crushing yo dreams
56 49 Shark and the Barracuda
58 49 Professor Chaos and General Disarray
59 49 Straight Flexxin
60 49 B.O.B.
61 49 Too Legit To Quit
62 49 Blackin Out
63 49 Chuggsters
64 49 Snatch Snatchers
65 49 Matched on EHarmony
66 65 Ninja Drunk Fucks
67 65 LFG!!!
68 65 Smash and Dash
69 65 Discount Double Clutch
70 65 Yo What Yo Loast!
71 65 Taking a Lap Nap
72 65 Nor Cal Splash Brothers
73 65 Highlight Reel
74 65 Blunt Smokin Beaners
75 65 Central Divison
76 65 Buzzed Bandits
77 65 Plays 4 Room Keys
78 65 Smashing Time
79 65 final boss
80 65 Kenny takes the roll back
81 65 splish splash
82 65 Last Minute Pickup
83 65 Kick Rocks Platinum
84 65 nite nite bang bang
85 65 Fatal Instincts
87 65 Daddy Fats Sacks and The Scroobius Pip
88 65 White Gypsies
89 65 Finkle and Einhorn
90 65 Clubbin Baby Seals
92 65 Plowing Scrubs
93 65 Beer Pong Cracks
94 65 Feed the Animals
95 65 Old Dutch Saints
96 65 This Is Our Song
97 65 my 2 dans
98 97 She said she was 18
100 97 Dock Commander
101 97 Oil and Water
102 97 when you feel like a nut
103 97 Footlong Bitches
104 97 Kick Rocks – beauty and the beast
105 97 Wet Dreams And Moist Balls
106 97 The Extremely Good Looking Guys
107 97 Shit just got real
108 97 Beauty and the Foose
109 97 R.B.P.L
110 97 Talk is Cheap
111 97 Trolls R Us
112 97 big trouble in little Tokyo
113 97 Old sugarballs with a hint of yellow
114 97 throwing hundos makin hundos
115 97 Heating Up Like A Dutch Oven
116 97 Clutch city swapaholics
117 97 Youngs MCs
118 97 Lafayette parish
119 97 Fire Breathing Kitten Chuckers
120 97 Boo Boo Kush
121 97 Army of Trees
122 97 No Pong Intended
123 97 Bogey For The Backdoor Cover
124 97 District 5
125 97 It’s Our Time
126 97 Trompas de Elefante
127 97 El Nino
128 97 3 Ball Free For All
129 97 Les Monsieurs
130 129 GPT Presents The Truth
131 129 Beerlander
132 129 We’re Here for the Beer
133 129 Nova’s Best
134 129 Mlk’s MVP’s
136 129 Yellow Brick Road Head
137 129 The EH Team
139 129 Shoot the J
140 129 The Heismans: Desmond and Charles
141 129 2 V’s Better than One
142 129 MASSive Jew
143 129 GPT Presents The Spanking Monkeys
144 129 The DudemanBros
145 129 LV Elite
146 129 ET 2014
147 129 Janksters Anonymous
148 129 Stop it, and play dirtyÊ
149 129 Shots Like Plax
150 129 Pooh & Tigger
151 129 Bronco-Patriotism
152 129 Reading Rainbow
153 129 Left It On The Table
154 129 Make It Drizzle
155 129 Two Bros One Cup
156 129 Getting Schmitt faced Rex your life
157 129 Designated Drinkers
158 129 Big Nasty Sho Time
159 129 Beer No Evil
160 129 Splash Brothers
161 129 1440